III Russian Film Week in Singapore starts on December 15, 2021! Register and enjoy watching films!

My Little Sister

16 December 2021 – 8PM

Production company
Motor Film Studio
Produced by:
Timerbulat Karimov
Mikhail Kurbatov
Dmitriy Fix
Directed by:
Alexander Galibin
Written by:
Aidar Akmanov
Cinematography by:
Mikhail Agranovich
Arslan Krymchurin, Marta Timofeeva, Yusuf Rakhmetov, Ilgiza Gilmanova, Sulpan Abdrakhimova, Rauis Zagitov and Vitaliy Saliy
The film is set during the Great Patriotic War. The protagonist of the film is the six-year-old Yamil. His father went off to fight at the front, and the boy was left with his mother in a distant Bashkir aul. Once his mother, leaving her son in the care of his grandmother, went into town for a while. She did not return alone but with a girl called Oksana, whom she introduced to Yamil as his sister. The orphaned Ukrainian girl found shelter and a new family in the Bashkir village, although at first her relationship with her brother and other village children was not easy. The foster family members became the closest people to Oksana. Living with them, she was happy as she felt their love, especially from Yamil who took genuine care of her new baby sister. The film is based on the war story "The Joy of Our Home" by the famous Bashkir writer and playwright Mustai Karim and is directed by Alexander Galibin, an actor and director of theatre and cinema, known to audiences for his roles in the series "Master and Margarita", "Doctor Richter" and other popular projects. His other directorial works include 40 (2007) and The Goldfish (2015).

Girls Got Game

18 December 2021 – 8PM

Production company
Revolution Film
Produced by
Artem Vitkin, Grigory Granovsky, Alexander Nikolaev, Mikhail Dvorkovich, Elvira Dmitrievskaya, Maksim Sveshnikov, Konstantin Yelkin
Directed by
Maksim Sveshnikov
Written by
Maksim Sveshnikov, Vadim Sveshnikov
Cinematography by
Kirill Begishev
Lyubov Aksyonova, Egor Koreshkov, Yuliya Topolnitskaya, Alina Alekseeva, Alexandra Kuzenkina, Polina Aug, Zarina Mukhitdinova, Mariya Ivakova,
Elena Valyushkina, Roman Madyanov
The female football team of the Taganrog plant «Izumrud» loses after losing, despite the bright captain, a fan of football since childhood Danya (Lyubov Aksyonova). The coach Palych (Roman Madyanov) fell down with heart diseases. It is the time to disband the national team, but the plant puts Vadim Panov (Egor Koreshkov) in position, he is a lazy alcoholic but brave leader, who was rejected by all teams of the country, including the native CSKA. After seeing ordinary girls instead of professional football players, Panov gave up on his career as a coach. But Danya does not allow the team to be buried, she decides to gather her childhood friends, with whom she played football at school. Of course, the coach doesn’t believe in football players until he sees the potential of former housewives. One secret reveals mystery that keeps Panov in Taganrog, despite other attractive offers.
Women’s football is not football. Especially amateur» - with this phrase the new head of the metallurgical plant wants to destroy the team. But to resist the girls’ perseverance becomes increasingly difficult. After several attempts to escape home to Moscow from Taganrog Panov remains their coach. He has another motivation: somewhere in town, his ex-family lives with a brilliant 15-year-old "Sverchok". "Sverchok" is the nickname of Katya, not very tall, but very effective athlete, who does not know how to play in a team and does not respect her father. Bottom line: we have a complicated team full of internal conflicts and contradictions.

Son of a rich

15 December 2021 – 8PM

Production companies
Yellow, Black & White, MEM Cinema Production, KIT Film Studio, "Super" TV channel
Produced by
Eduard Iloyan, Denis Zhalinsky, Vitaly Shlyappo,
Alexey Trotsyuk, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov,
Taymuraz Badziev, Rafael Minasbekyan,
Vadim Vereshchagin, Alexandr Kushaev
Directed by
Klim Shipenko
Written by
Darya Gratsevich, Anton Morozenko, Dmitry Permyakov
Cinematography by
Yury Nikogosov
Production design by
Andrey Ivakin, Natalya Yakimenko
Music by
Ivan Burlyaev, Dmitry Noskov
Costume design by
Oleg Matrokhin, Victoria Efimova-Shestakovskaya
Milos Bikovic, Aleksandra Bortich, Ivan Okhlobystin, Aleksandr Samoylenko, Mariya Mironova, Kirill Nagiyev, Olga Dibtseva, Sofya Zaika
The film Son of a rich is a Russian comedy by Studio Yellow, Black & White (Sober Driver, The Last Warrior, Kitchen. The Last Battle) is about an extraordinary experiment and the transformation of human consciousness and attitude to life through rehabilitation, due to incredible and completely unforeseen circumstances in the most indescribable and unexplained way. The main character is Grisha, the son of the oligarch, he gets away with everything in his life too easily. Because of the confidence of total permissiveness, he may even be facing prison, but he somehow manages to escape all possible problems and consequences - because after a strange car accident he gets... into the past. Around the village life and atmosphere of Russia of the 19th century, if not before. And then the spoiled kid turns into the most common serf. Now he has to live in the barn, sleep on straw and do whatever the master tells him to do. Grishka has no idea that the people around him are actors, and the village is built specifically by his father, an oligarch. And everything around him is actually a hard-core psychological experiment, the purpose of which is to teach the guy how to communicate and to teach him how to live properly in a civilized society, appreciating the simplest pleasures.

The Last Warrior: Root of Evil

19 December 2021 – 8PM

Yellow, Black & White, Walt Disney Pictures
Produced by
Eduard Iloyan, Vitaliy Shlyappo, Denis Zhalinsky
Directed by
Dmitriy Dyachenko
Written by
Vitaliy Shlyappo, Vasiliy Kutsenko, Pavel Danilov, Dimitriy Yan, Igor Tudvasev
Cinematography by
Pavel Kapinos
Viktor Khorinyak, Mila Sivatskaya, Ekaterina Vilkova, Elena Yakovleva, Konstantin Lavronenko, Evgeniy Dyatlov, Sergey Burunov,
Elena Valyushkina, Timofey Tribuntsev,
Alexandr Semchev, Yuriy Tsurilo, Taisiya Vilkova
There is peace and tranquility in Belogorie, evil is defeated, Ivan enjoys deserved glory. By his side father Ilya Muromets, beloved Vasilisa in the pre-wedding worries, became friends Baba Yaga and Wodyanoy and small joys from the modern world: generator, microwave, fan, vacuum cleaner and much more to ensure a comfortable life and Sword Kladenets that allows to cut a hole between worlds regularly and to run for supplies.
But homesickness worries Ivan. And even more, he cares about the imminent start of the Bogatyr Games – performance of prowess and strength. Ivan does not feel that power, and he does not want to be disgraced in front of the father and the bride. But the handsome bogatyr Finist that likes Vasilisa, has so much strength and beauty.
However, in the midst of the competition, an ancient evil awakens and the existence of the magical world is threatened. Ivan has to unite with both old friends and new enemies. They must travel far, beyond the known world, to discover the origins of evil and find a way to defeat enemies and to learn how to restore peace in Belogorie.

A Dog Named Palma

17 December 2021 – 8PM

Running time
111 min. 6+
Genre drama
Country Russia
Production company
Mars Media Entertainment
Produced by
Ruben Dishdishyan, Leonard Blavatnik, Narek Martirosyan, Kristina Reylyan
Directed by
Aleksandr Domogarov Jr.
Written by
Yekaterina Mavromatis, Aleksandr Domogarov Jr., Yevgeny Kazachkov
Cinematography by
Sergey Dyshuk
Viktor Dobronravov, Vladimir Ilin, Leonid Basov, Valeriya Fedorovich, Evgeniya Dmitrieva, Igor Khripunov, Pavel Maykov, Vladimir Simonov, Yan Tsapnik, Filipp Savinkov, Darya Luzina, Elena Anisimova, Bain Bovaldinov
1977. Igor Polskiy flies abroad and is forced to leave his shepherd named Palm right on the runway: by misunderstanding the dog has no medical certificate. Palma hides at the airport and meets the planes every day in the hope that the master returns. But time goes by... the Shepherd becomes the mascot of the airport, and is at the center of all important events in the lives of its inhabitants. For 9-year-old Kolya, who after his mother’s death comes to visit his father, pilot Vyacheslav Lazarev, Palma becomes a friend. Lazarev has to earn the trust of his son, making a difficult choice between career and family and deciding what to do when the true master returns for Palma...
Contact us
The Cathay Cineplex

2 Handy Road Levels 5 & 6, The Cathay, Singapore 229233